Anyways some of the outcomes of reading this book are:
- I reactivated my Twitter account - this time following only some few people that I think are most relevant for my job as an FE developer:
Jake Archibald (@jaffathecake), Bruce Lawson (@brucel), Wes Bos (@wesbos), Remy Sharp (@rem), Kyle Simpson (@getify), Rob Dodson (@rob_dodson), Axel Rauschmayer (@rauschma), Sacha Greif (@SachaGreif), David Walsh (@davidwalshblog), John Resig (@jeresig), Chris Heilmann (@codepo8), Paul Irish (@paul_irish), Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) and last but not least Dan Abramov (@dan_abramov).
It turns out that almost every hour I receive interesting Tweets through this selection, but this is already way too much, so possibly I'll unfollow some of them soon. - I reanimated my old blog "Morgens um 7 ist die Welt noch in Ordnung" (the title of the German adaptation of Eric Malpass's book "Mornings at seven".) mainly as a form of personal developer diary - so sorry if this blog isn't of any interest to you.
- I decided that besides finally learning React & Redux, I have to become better at TDD (esp. learning how to only write the right/relevant tests) and should learn about Domain Driven Design - any recommendations for good reads on TDD and DDD welcome!
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